With half term upon us, we just wanted to give you an update on the response to Ealing Fields’ faith designation consultation.
Nealy 4,000 people visited our microsite or attended meetings over the consultation period, with over 400 completing our formal survey. What was really heartening to see was that views from nearly every part of our community were represented in the responses, with many people taking the time to give some very detailed and considered feedback.
Overall, 68% of people strongly agreed or agreed with the proposal to change the faith designation of the school, with 28% either disagreeing or strongly disagreeing with the proposal.
A very full and detailed consultation report, which includes all viewpoints, has been submitted to the Department for Education alongside lots of additional information about our plans. This will now be considered in detail over the next couple of months – with an outcome likely at the start of 2025.
Whatever is finally decided, we wholly acknowledge that this has been an issue that has raised debate and divided some opinions. As a school, we only ever want to support our students and our community in the very best way that we can. We will be very open about the outcome, and the rationale behind it, when we know more, but please be assured that we will do all we can to work together with you whatever the final conclusion is.